Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya membeli Google Home Mini, di salah satu marketplace indonesia. Kebetulan saya mendapatkan harga promo yang lumayan murah dari harga pasaran di marketplace indonesia.
Sebenarnya saya sudah sangat lama mau membeli perangkat ini, tetapi saya masih tahan-tahan, dikarenakan harganya lumayan mahal. sekitar 600 Ribuan. Akhirnya setelah mencari sana-sini harga yang paling murah akhirnya saya mendapatkan dengan harga yang lumayan murah. Harganya dibawah 500 Ribu.
Sebelum mengetahui cara setup perangkat google home mini ini. Kalian harus tahu dulu apa sih itu Google Home Mini?
Google Home Mini adalah perangkat besutan google yang berbentuk speaker yang dilengkapi dengan asisten virtual. Teknologi kecerdasan yang berada di dalamnya membuat Google Home mampu menjawab semua pertanyaan yang dilontarkan oleh penggunanya.
Saat ini google home sudah bisa banyak bahasa, tetapi untuk bahasa indonesia belum tersedia.
Oke langsung saja kita mulai Cara Setup Perangkat Google Home Mini nya.
- Sambungkan Google Home Ke Listrik
- Download Aplikasi Google Home terlebih dahulu di playstore.
- Pastikan perangkat Smartphone Kamu terhubung ke Wi-Fi yang sama dengan perangkat Google Home Anda.
- Buka Aplikasi Google Home
- Klik Add
Set up device
Set up new devices in your home
- Scanning for Google Home devices: The Google Home app scans for nearby devices that are plugged in and ready to set up. Tap the home you want to add the device to
- Connecting to your new device: The app will now connect your phone to your new Google Home so that you can configure it. Note: You will be prompted with the following notification during this step, “Your phone may disconnect from Wi-Fi during setup”.
- Making a connection: We’ll play a sound on the device to make sure you’re setting up the right device. When you hear the sound, tap Yes.
- Tap Yes, I’m in to send anonymous data that helps us improve devices, or tap No thanks to opt out.
- Tap the room where you’re setting your device up
- Room selection: Choose the room where your device is located. This helps you identify the device when you want to cast to it. Tap Next.
- You can create a custom room by tapping Add custom room
type in Room name
- You can create a custom room by tapping Add custom room
- Wi-Fi connection: Choose the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to your device. Tap Next. If you don’t see your Wi-fi network, tap Other Wi-Fi Network…
- Use Saved password? (Android only)
- Tap OK to use the password you have saved in your phone
- To manually enter the password, tap Enter manually
type in password
Connect. The Google Home app will remember this network when you set up more devices. If you don’t want the Google Home app to remember this network, uncheck Use this Wi-Fi network to set up future devices.
- Note: Your password must be 8-63 characters long.
- Use Saved password? (Android only)
- Before using your Google Assistant:
- Read the information
- Read the information
- Get personal results with Voice Match: You can teach your Assistant to recognize your voice. This allows the Assistant to provide personal results when it recognizes your voice. Follow the prompts. Note: If you didn’t accept the Google Assistant permissions in the previous screen, you can’t set up Voice Match.
- Note: Now that you’ve trained your voice, other people in your home can still use Google Home but they won’t get personalized answers until they teach their Assistant to recognize their voice.
- Note: If you don’t teach the Assistant your voice, you’ll be asked if you want the Assistant to be able to provide personal results. This means that anyone who talks to the device will be able to access your personal results, since the Assistant won’t be able to recognize your voice and differentiate between the people in your home.
- Address: The Google Home app will ask for access to use your location to pre-fill your address. If you allow access, your address will be pre-filled. Otherwise you will need to enter it manually. This is the address where your device is located. Enter your address
- Note: You can Skip entering your address, but the Assistant won’t be able to answer questions about local weather, traffic, or businesses.
- Media services: Access your music and movie services.
- Music services: Tap + and follow the account linking steps. Tap Next.
- Default music service: If you have more than one music service linked, you will be asked to select a Default music service: Tap the service you want to use as default
Next. If you haven’t linked the account, follow the steps.
- Video services: Tap + and follow the account linking steps. Tap Next.
- Type in a name for your devices
- Choose whether to receive emails about your device by tapping Sign up or No thanks.
- Add a payment method.
- Summary screen: Here’s a review of what you set up. You can choose to set up other functionality. Tap Continue
Finish setup.
- Setup Sudah selesai. Google Home kamu bisa digunakan.
Sekian Terima kasih.
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